Welcome to our little art site on the web, where our mission is to help you “wear your art on your sleeve” … or in this case, on your t-shirt, button, iPhone case, magnet on a fridge door, on your dog … well, you get the picture. We believe that you can, and should!, surround yourself with art every day. Our goal? To seek out new and different designs to share with our readers. To promote new, exciting and unknown artists. To lead you away from mass-produced t-shirts and help you find a style all your own. To boldly go where no design has gone before.
If you have a fun, funky and interesting art design on Zazzle.com, feel free to contact us with links to your design or shop.
Who are We?
The artists of La Petite Bohémienne, a collaboration of artists who have come together to offer our own unique collection of designs, artwork, jewelry, and digital drawings on Etsy and Zazzle. While discussing our goals for our own shops, we realized one very important vision we all shared: Art for Art’s Sake. The idea that art doesn’t have to make you think or incite some deep, meaningful moral or informative purpose. (We disagree with the theory that l’art pour l’art’ cannot be functional. In our view, Art for Art’s Sake is a way to bring beauty to everyone, not just an elitist few. Art can be in the form of a hand-thrown decorated pot for cooking, a piece of handmade, original jewelry, or, yes, a design on a t-shirt.) Art should be shared, nurtured and admired. Artists should be encouraged to pursue their own views and continue creating their art to bring their own unique beauty into the world. But the question remained, How do we share our vision with others and promote other artists? Enter the world of POD (print-on-demand). Where a writer doesn’t need a big publishing house or a lot of money to publish their own book. Where someone with a message to share can put that message on a t-shirt and others who share the same views can buy it too. Where Artists don’t need a wealthy patron telling them what their art can or can’t be. Where Artists can support other Artists. And so, WearYourArtonYourSleeve.com was born. We hope you enjoy the ride, and please use the “Share” buttons under each design to help spread the word about the great artists we’ve found! Sharing is caring!