We all need a little breather with Mr (or Mrs?) Christmas almost knocking at our door so this week will be a Necklace Week.
Our PotD for Monday is this little blue-eyed couple, a fairy and her dragon girl. I’m pretty sure the dragon is a girl because she uses the same hair dye as her human counterpart. I must say both of them are very photogenic and the dragon lady is definitely good at striking a pose. I guess the girl really knows how to train her dragon.
Another Sexy Saturday is here (time sure does fly, huh?) and I’ve chosen another piece by the same artist we picked last Saturday. The reason is simple: I’ve found a sexy brunette on one of their products and I just had to share her with all those who might prefer dark-haired beauties to blondes. After all, beauty comes in many shapes, sizes and colors, and we all have that special one who sure treats us nice and we get all excited when they come and say: Merry Christmas, Baby.
What says “sexy” better than Eartha Kitt’s velvety smooth voice? Maybe this cute comic strip style “Mrs. Claus” pin-up ornament? Well, we’ve got both for you for our Sexy Saturday post. I can imagine Santa hurrying down the chimney to give her all the things on Eartha’s list, can’t you?