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Let there be Peace on Earth

After yesterday’s post about Peace on Earth, I just had to share one other design that popped up while searching “Peace on Earth”. It’s special to me because it’s by one of my favorite artists – I even have one of her prints hanging on my wall. You should check out all the other wonderful artwork by DudaDaze!

“Let there be peace on earth… and let it begin with me.” The sentiment brings to mind John Lennon’s Happy Xmas (War Is Over). Peace on Earth begins when all the wars end. Peace on Earth begins with me. There’s a Christmas Peace I can “imagine”! :-)


Christmas Wish

I’m going to let you in on a Christmas secret. (No, it’s not what I’m giving Dean for Christmas ;-) ) It’s my all-time favorite Christmas song since I was a child. I can remember watching this when it first aired and being blown away, not only by the unique combination but also by the message. It stayed with me for days afterward, and now that I’m older I understand why.

Every child must be made aware
Every child must be made to care
Care enough for his fellow man
To give all the love that he can…
I pray my wish will come true
For my child and your child too.

Now that I’ve got you in the Christmas spirit, I want to share two designs that remind me of my favorite song. It’s only fitting since it’s two songs in one with two uniquely wonderful singers.

May you have Peace this Christmas and all through the New Year.

Santa Baby

What says “sexy” better than Eartha Kitt’s velvety smooth voice? Maybe this cute comic strip style “Mrs. Claus” pin-up ornament? Well, we’ve got both for you for our Sexy Saturday post. I can imagine Santa hurrying down the chimney to give her all the things on Eartha’s list, can’t you?

Back to the Good Ol’ Days Cookbook

Have you ever wanted to go back to the good old days, watching your Memaw cooking in the kitchen… and “helping” by standing on a stool and pouring ingredients in a bowl or adding the sprinkles to her very special cookies? Now you can, with this great cookbook binder! It’s a great place to gather your favorite family recipes and pass them down to your grandchildren as they help you by standing on a stool and pouring ingredients into a bowl…


Under the Sea

Most of us have been fascinated by the beautiful submarine world since we were kids. All the colors and life forms that have the priviledge of being able to breathe under water make a lot of people stand and watch in awe.

This design brings back not only the fascination with the world and life under the sea but also the imagination of children who are able to find a new exciting adventure everywhere.

Green Poison

Today is really exciting because we’re posting our very first Blackberry Case design as our PotD (Pick of the Day)! :D

Green and black is one of my favorite color combinations so I couldn’t resist when I saw this. The artist calls the style “cybergoth” but I think even “steampunk” lovers might find it really appealing. It definitely has that factor X that made it worth for me to share it with the world. ;-) And because I see this design as a new, modern take on evergreen classics like witches or fantasy in general, I decided to do the same for the music. The vial with the green liquid in the girl’s hand made me think of Poison so the song is quite obvious but it’s a new, different cover by Tarja Turunen of the original song by Alice Cooper. :)

Even Turtle Girls Want to Have Fun

Today’s featured design is this little turtle girl… Yes, I heard it. All those aww’s and oh’s and “That’s so cute!”. Well, it is c… cool. That’s what I was about to say. ;-) Anyway, it’s pretty obvious that this turtle lady is having fun on her rock surrounded by flowers, watching the dragonfly, and that’s what’s important. Because even turtle girls just want to have fun! :)

I Won’t Let Go

This Vintage Peacock & Etchings design is a perfect pick for all the love birds who want to send out their wedding invitations in classy and elegant envelopes. After all, if you feel like taking the plunge, why not do it in style? ;-)

And remember, there are bound to be rainy days but you should just grit your teeth and say: “I won’t let go.” :-)

Whatever Lola Wants

It’s Sexy Saturday, which means this 3D design is a perfect fit. A sexy lady like this always gets whatever she wants, just like Lola in Sarah Vaughan’s song. So don’t say No. You know you want to buy it. ;-)

Flowers We Are

This colorful intricate design deserves a very special piece of music – calm, peaceful, relaxing and just as delicate as the tulips. I present you this composition by Yiruma so that both your eyes and ears rest a little and enjoy the beauty that art brings us, be it a poster or a song.  ;-)