Sunday brings two beautiful Christmas binder designs. Santa’s Workshop has a magical, fairy-tale feel – plenty of snow, windows revealing warm light inside, smoke rising up out of the chimney… The Christmas a child’s mind dreams about and loves. Red and Gold Christmas is a classy design with a color combination that never disappoints. It’s very fancy looking and will surely be appreciated by every classic art lover. But what would even the most beautiful binder be without something meaningful inside? So don’t forget to fill it with your favorite Christmas Memories.
Another Sexy Saturday is here (time sure does fly, huh?) and I’ve chosen another piece by the same artist we picked last Saturday. The reason is simple: I’ve found a sexy brunette on one of their products and I just had to share her with all those who might prefer dark-haired beauties to blondes. After all, beauty comes in many shapes, sizes and colors, and we all have that special one who sure treats us nice and we get all excited when they come and say: Merry Christmas, Baby.
What says “sexy” better than Eartha Kitt’s velvety smooth voice? Maybe this cute comic strip style “Mrs. Claus” pin-up ornament? Well, we’ve got both for you for our Sexy Saturday post. I can imagine Santa hurrying down the chimney to give her all the things on Eartha’s list, can’t you?
December is here and I bet a lot of you are already thinking about Christmas. The less lucky ones might start feeling a little nervous because they don’t have all the gifts yet.
Well, take a deep breath, listen to Enya’s We Wish You a Merry Christmas or another Christmas song you like, enjoy your well-deserved break and then start shopping online. No long lines, no stressed people around who step on your feet or bump you with their shopping carts, no cranky or tired shop assistants… Sounds like heaven, right? There are plenty of online stores where you can find every gift you can think of. And remember, a Christmas present doesn’t have to be big and expensive to please the person you’re giving it to. What about a set of pretty Christmas plates for your girlfriend, wife, Mom or grandma? It’s a good choice for people who prefer practical gifts but you could also gift it to a person with a soul of an artist so that they could have a beautiful decoration for their place, or to a dreamer who loves reminding themselves of how much magic Christmas brings not only to kids but also to a lot of adults.